Why Red Cedar?

The Western Red Cedar has been a symbol of life and abundance for the Salish people of the west coast for thousands of years.

Hailed as “The Tree of Life” by the due to its diverse application for building, clothing and medicine, Red Cedar encapsulates a symbol of resilience, peace and lonegevity.

To grow stronger through the years, weather the countless storms life brings and to continue reaching towards the sky, through patience and consistency, is what inspired Red Cedar to be our symbol for health. 

As a natural health-care practitioner, taking care of one’s body brings joy when experiencing the freedom of good health. Healthcare brings strength and adaptability when facing life’s inevitable challenges.

The Red Cedar Approach


Gradual change

Stretching, exercises, and environmental changes will be taught and maintained as adjustment frequency is reduced in tandem with patient progress.


Address the history

Lays in the foundation of chiropractic care by addressing the full patient history and removing any past events that could interfere with future progress.


Performance care

Full expression of health is experienced through a calm, adaptive, and strong nervous system. High level of body literacy regarding chiropractic stretches and exercises. Postural and emotional awareness.